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Department of State Growth

State Growth Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan 2022


State Growth is committed to achieving a safe, inclusive, equal, respectful, and representative workplace.

Our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy 2022-25 outlines our plan for achieving this vision, focussing our efforts on three action areas:

  1. A diverse and inclusive workplace
  2. A safe and respectful workplace
  3. An inclusive workplace culture.

This Plan sets out the actions over the next 12 months that will help us deliver on our action areas. These actions are grouped by type, to ensure we have coverage across the various aspects to facilitate organisational change.

  1. Attract, recruit, and retain – These actions aim to increase and retain talent representative of a wide range of diverse backgrounds within our workplace.
  2. Providing guidance and support – These actions aim to support our managers and employees by providing the underlying information, structures, strategies, and support mechanisms needed to be inclusive and equitable.
  3. Raising awareness – These actions aim to grow our understanding of, communicate, promote, and celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  4. Building partnerships and engagement – These actions aim to connect with our people, experts, and our clients to learn and support, as well as shape our approach and actions.
  5. Building skills and capabilities – These actions aim to provide the underlying tools for our managers and employees to develop their knowledge, skills, and practice so that diversity, equity, and inclusion becomes second nature.
  6. Ensuring good governance and building evidence and accountability – These actions aim to build a strong foundation of leadership, resources, and evidence to support and inform our work in this area.

The following pages outline, by action area, the various actions that State Growth will undertake in the next 12 months.

ACTION AREA 1: A diverse and inclusive workforce

We reflect the diversity of the clients we serve.  We are supported to deliver inclusive services and programs to the Tasmanian community.

Action type: Attract, recruit, and attract

There are six actions in this category.


  1. Promote State Growth as an inclusive, values based, and flexible employer through our external website, recruitment advertisements and employment policies.  The website will be updated by end March 2022. Promotion will occur quarterly.
  2. Ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are central to our recruitment framework and practices by:
  • advertising jobs widely on different platforms to reach diverse communities
  • raising awareness of unconscious bias and how to prevent it in recruitment, through information on iconnect and online training modules.

This will occur quarterly.

  1. Participate in and promote targeted employment initiatives, such as the Tasmanian State Service Aboriginal Employment portal, youth employment programs, and the People with Disability Employment Register. This will occur twice yearly and/or on key program dates.
  2. Continue to provide and promote flexible working arrangements, workplace adjustments and inclusive employment policies for our employees, particularly in identified groups that are under-represented. This will occur twice yearly.
  3. Explore developing a pilot program in the Road User Services Division to increase cultural diversity within the workforce to better reflect the community it serves. This exploration will be completed by the end of June 2022.
  4. Analysing data trends collated through exit interview and other mechanisms to inform and explore ways to increase employee retention, particularly for identified groups that are under-represented.  This will be completed by end December 2022.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • recruitment and employee data
  • employee and applicant feedback
  • project plan milestones
  • participation data for pilots and programs
  • evaluation information of pilots and programs.

Action type: Building skills and capability

There are three actions in this category.


  1. Use case studies from our disability, multicultural, gender equality and other relevant action plans to showcase and learn how to improve our services for the Tasmanian community. This will occur twice yearly.
  2. Scope, deliver and promote unconscious bias training, including for selection panel members. Scoping will be completed by end June 2022.
  3. Educate, train, and support our employees to deliver programs, services and interactions with clients and the Tasmanian community that are inclusive to all. This will occur during July to December 2022.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • communication of case study information, including learnings
  • project plan milestones
  • participation data.

Action type: Building partnerships and engagement

There are four actions in this category.


  1. Identify key organisations to build partnerships with to ensure we provide respectful and inclusive recruitment, workplace practices and inclusive language for all diversity areas. This will be completed by June 2022.
  2. Develop case studies that show how client and community expertise and perspectives have been brought into our work through industry or community partnerships. This will be completed by December 202
  3. Commence a partnership with JobAccess to increase employment opportunities for people with disability and support for our employees. The partnership will commence from late January 2022.
  4. Contribute and identify new actions for the following Tasmanian State Service action plans – Accessible Island; Multicultural Island; Active Ageing Plan; and Gender Equality Action Plan. This will occur on key program dates.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • established and new partnership data and information
  • case studies
  • reports on State Growth contribution to TSS action plans.

Action type: Ensuring good governance, building evidence and accountability

There are six actions in this category.


  1. Review our workforce profile and identify gaps. Our first review will be completed by March 2022.
  2. Review recruitment statistics to identify areas for improvement and undertake actions to increase the diversity of applicant pools. This review will be completed by end December 2022.
  3. Reinvigorate the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group, including seeking new members to capture the diversity of the workforce. This will be completed by end March 2022.
  4. Examine how to improve diversity data collection through our systems. This will be completed by end September 2022.
  5. Monitor external client feedback regarding accessibility and inclusion to provide support, resources, and training to employees to facilitate improvement to our programs and services. This will occur annually.
  6. Review programs, forms, and practices to ensure gender other than male or female can be selected and reported on to comply with the amended Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1999. This will occur annually.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • workforce, recruitment, and diversity data
  • membership feedback
  • project/program evaluation information
  • customer/client satisfaction data
  • progress reports on the gender data reform.

ACTION AREA 2: A safe and respectful workplace

We feel safe to speak up, knowing that we will be heard, respected, and supported.

Action type: Providing guidance and support

There are six actions in this category.


  1. Review our employment structures, policies and processes and our support for people experiencing family violence to ensure they are visibly inclusive to all employees. This will occur annually.
  2. Revise our incidence reporting and grievance resolution processes to increase employee confidence in reporting inappropriate behaviours. This will be completed by end September 2022.
  3. Implement actions on building a safe, respectful and gender equal workplace as part of the State Growth Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Standards Action Plan. This will be completed by end December 2022.
  4. Monitor progress of actions relating to supporting our employees with disability as outlined in our Disability Action Plan. This will occur twice yearly.
  5. Promote and implement Acknowledgement to Country resources. This will be completed by end March 2022.
  6. Scope a Reconciliation Action Plan, or similar, to support the employment, retention, and advancement of Aboriginal employees. This scoping will be completed by end December 2022.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • employee feedback and survey data
  • progress report information against identified plans
  • availability of information on iconnect.

Action type: Raising awareness

There are three actions in this category.


  1. Use a variety of communication channels to raise awareness of our inclusive employment policies and practices and through managers, increase visibility, consistency, and employee engagement. This will occur quarterly.
  2. Promote safe, appropriate, and easily accessible avenues for employees to seek support, such as our Employee Assistance Program, or report grievances, such as our Spot tool. This will occur quarterly.
  3. Continue to provide regular mental health awareness and training through information on iconnect. This will occur quarterly.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • employee feedback and survey data
  • availability of information on iconnect.

Action type: Building partnerships and engagement

There are three actions in this category.


  1. Engage with our diverse employees, including through our existing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Working Group. The Group will meet bi-monthly.
  2. Share information and learnings from Inter-Agency groups, such as the Whole of Government LGBTIQA+ Reference Group and Gender Reform Steering Committee, to increase our understanding of key issues and shape our approach and actions. Information and learnings will be shared as the meetings occur.
  3. Incorporate feedback from our Aboriginal employees from attendance at the annual gathering into our policies and practices. This will occur annually.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • participation data and feedback from members and employees
  • availability of information through communication channels.

Action type: Building skills and capability

There are four actions in this category.


  1. Develop and promote the use of Plain English and other online tools to enhance accessibility. This will be completed by end June 2022.
  2. Recognise the importance of different cultures and provide access to cultural awareness training. This will be completed by end December 2022.
  3. Provide training, support and resources for:
  • managers with an increased focus on inclusive leadership and creating safe spaces. This will occur between July and December 2022.
  • employees and managers in respectful behaviours, having difficult conversations, calling out inappropriate behaviours, understanding unconscious bias and inclusive language. This will occur from now until December 2022.
  1. Identify diversity, equity and inclusion specific online training and resources and create a resource library on myGrowth. This will be completed by end September 2022.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • project plan milestones
  • participation data
  • employee feedback and survey data
  • availability of information on iconnect.

Action type: Ensuring good governance, building evidence and accountability

There are three actions in this category.


  1. Explore using Employee Resource Groups and Affinity Groups to listen and take advice, and to take undertake specific projects and actions that support under-represented employees. This will be completed by June 2022.
  2. Continue to collect diversity data through the TSS Employee Survey and other relevant employee surveys. Communicate results to employees and build actions into action/workplans. Data will be collected at least bi-annually.
  3. Use information and data including related to grievances or reports of inappropriate behaviours, to help shape future policies and practices. This will occur annually.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • survey data and information
  • availability of information through communication channels
  • continual improvement in policies and practices.

ACTION AREA 3: An inclusive workplace culture

Together we make State Growth a great place to work and are accountable for our actions.

Action type: Providing guidance and support

There are six actions in this category.


  1. Develop a shared understanding of diversity, equity and inclusion with all employees through information sessions, workshops, guest speakers, webinars and accessible information, including the roles individuals play in contributing to an inclusive culture. This will occur throughout the year.
  2. Implement actions on building an inclusive workplace culture as part of the State Growth Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Standards Action. This will be completed by end December 2022.
  3. Regularly update the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion pages on iconnect, including key messages and minutes from the D,E&I Leadership and Working Group meetings. This will occur bi-monthly after each meeting.
  4. Review and improve our Workplace Adjustment Passports. This will be completed by end September 2022.
  5. Attaining breast-feeding friendly workplace accreditation. This will be completed by end September 2022.
  6. Explore support for a menopause ready workplace. This will be completed by end December 2022.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • participation data
  • employee feedback and survey data
  • progress report information against identified plans
  • project plan milestones
  • availability of information through communication channels and on iconnect.

Action type: Raising awareness

There are two actions in this category.


  1. Visibly promote, internally and externally our Agency’s and leaders’ commitment to our values; building a diverse workforce and inclusive work environment; and implementation of the Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Standards. This will occur quarterly.
  2. Celebrate diversity and best practice through storytelling, case studies and calendar events. This will occur twice yearly and on key dates.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • client and employee feedback and survey data
  • engagement data in celebratory and other D,E&I activities.

Action type: Building partnerships and engagement

There are two actions in this category.


  1. Promote Diversity Council Australia membership benefits which are available to all employees. This will occur twice yearly.
  2. Look for opportunities to learn from each other, considering how different business areas promote diversity and inclusion. This will occur twice yearly.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • information and stories available on iconnect
  • employee feedback and survey data.

Action type: Building skills and capability

There are two actions in this category.


  1. Explore a program of volunteering opportunities for employees that support our diversity, equity and inclusion priorities. This will be completed by end June 2022.
  2. Develop practical day to day resources for managers, teams and employees on how to visibly model respectful and inclusive behaviours, practices and decision making and other aspects of diversity, equity and inclusion. This will be completed by end September 2022.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • availability of resources
  • identify opportunities and/or participation data
  • employee feedback and survey data.

Action type: Ensuring good governance, building evidence and accountability

There are two actions in this category.


  1. Finalise governance arrangements through the establishment of Employee Resource Groups and Affinity Groups. This will be completed by end June 2022.
  2. Integrate diversity, equity, inclusion, and respectful behaviours into performance management, with agreed actions reviewed every six months. This will be completed by end December 2022.

We will measure our progress against these actions using:

  • establishment of new groups
  • PPLA process adapted to include diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • survey data and information.